Fumigation of Wooden Pallets and other packaging material as per ISPM-15 the National Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (NSPM) -11 defines fumigation as application of any chemical in a gaseous state in a gas tight enclosure to kill insect and other pests. According to the National Pest Control Association of America (NPCA), fumigation is the introduction of a toxic gas into a space in a high enough concentration so that the gas fills all areas to kill target insects. Methyl Bromide and Phosphine are the two most common fumigants used for treating raw commodities, processed food and wooden packaging material.

Commodities that has to be fumigated has to be staged and covered with gas proof covers before the fumigation and confirmed that the proper covering has been done to ensure that there would not be any leakage. After covering it the fumigant has to be released. The commodity has to be kept under the covers for 24 hours. Then it can be opened and the commodity can be used. Fumigated lot should not be disturbed till its exposure.
We offer fumigation for
- wooden packaging material.
- Container Fumigation.
- Stored grain Fumigation
We create a customized pest control plan
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